How Will I Learn at Elton?
🙌 Collaboration
Elton College is about collaboration. We believe collaboration is an important skill and the best way for people to have fun, stay motivated, learn alot, and reach their personal and professional goals. Elton students receive constant support as they collaborate with each other, with faculty, with staff, and with industry contacts and mentors.
⚡️ Resourcefulness & Motivation
Elton is an "open college." That means students have the support they need to decide on and pursue what they want to learn and think is important. Our coaches and instructors are trained to use an updated version of the Socratic Method. They will ask you powerful questions, expand possibilities, and unlock resources all personalized to your life, interests, and goals. Consequently, with greater autonomy comes greater motivation and resourcefulness. In the first few months at Elton, you will learn how to GSD—"get stuff done"—conquer procrastination, develop focus, and set and achieve your own goals.
🔬 Curriculum of the World
Maybe you've noticed, but in the last 20 years, our civilization has created mountains of educational resources. From Khan Academy to MIT Open Courseware to digital textbooks, today there are countless organizations adding more and more to this already enormous and globally accessible learning library. It is not our role at Elton to add to this ever-growing mountain of great content. Instead, at Elton, your tutors and coaches will use any and all resources available in the world to design fun, interesting, exciting, engaging, and rigorous learning experiences personalized to you and your passions and interests.
🤝 Project-Based Learning
People learn best by doing. At Elton, you will have the support and opportunity to learn by doing it. You'll learn to write by writing, to read by reading, to code by coding, you'll learn business by starting and working at businesses. At Elton we have a bias towards action and practice. Elton tutors will guide and support you to use inquiry-, design-, and project-based learning strategies to develop valuable skills and to chase down your interests and dreams. And even before graduation, most Eltonians will have already leveraged their portfolios of real world projects to get paid internships or full time jobs.
📈 Mastery-Based Success
At traditional colleges, you get credit and grades for sitting in a seat and enduring long lectures and regurgitating back the the textbook or your professor's opinions. At Elton, it is the opposite. You work one-on-one or in very small groups in your weekly tutorial with each of your professors. Elton professors expect to hear your ideas and see your work. Credit and grades are awarded for learning, work, and completion of projects that you value.
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