Welcome to Elton University! Enroll today for a trial month.

Learning and Living in Community

Learning at Elton is inherently collaborative and social. When you join Elton University you join a group of very interesting people. Everyone is beginning a new chapter in their lives and kicking off a major transformation. Everyone can live anywhere in the world that they want, but we are all connected by our pursuit of our dreams and the knowledge we need to realize them. You'll join a vibrant online community of driven people and independent thinkers. You'll work with your coach to build the life you want where you are or in a new city.
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A Community of Support, Encouragement, and Fun

Elton University is a community of learners like nowhere else. The minute you start at Elton you are surrounded by a support system that includes coaches, professors, mentors, teaching assistants, colleagues, your huddle, clubs, your concentration, and your grade. People come together over Slack, text, phone, and Zoom. Coaching and tutorial meetings, house huddles, club meetings, concentration meetings, study groups, unconferences, and more happen multiple times per week.
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Live Anywhere You Want

Elton is based in San Francisco, CA but our students live all over the country and the world. Elton's 1-on-1 coaching and professorial meetings work either in person or at a distance. So, if you live near your professors or coach you can meet in person, otherwise we use phone calls and video conferencing to get this valuable guidance and support.
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One Campus? How About Hundreds?

Introducing The Elton Campus Passport

If you get your educational at Elton, you can live anywhere you want in the country or the world. Everyone who studies or works for Elton has access to coworking spaces all over the world through Copass Coworking Passport which gives you access to hundreds of coworking spaces around the world.

Elton University is headquartered in San Francisco, California.
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A Community of Learners, Thinkers, and Doers

At Elton everyone learns from everyone else. Everyone is a potential friend, colleague, helper, and teammate. There are no official "classes" or "courses" at Elton. When your learning goals intersect with your colleagues, people organically spin up a team to learn together. The entire culture of the community thrives on being a safe and open community of learners.
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Building a Full Life Wherever You Are

Wherever you live, part of the Elton experience is to build a healthy and happy life in community. Elton coaches support you to be productive and professional but they also are trained to support you to develop your health and living a more fun and rich life.
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Engage and Create

college is not just about "grinding" to learn as fast possible. There is so much more to life! At Elton your coaches and professors can help you discover and revel in your passions, interests, and hobbies. Here, you can develop new interests and hobbies or take one you already have to the next level. Also learn how to use these passions to enrich your community and your life.
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