Welcome to Elton University! Enroll today for a trial month.

Admission & Financial Aid

The first half of Elton University's mission is to create the absolute best higher educational experience for our students. The other half of our mission is to make that experience accessible and affordable to all that want it. That means making our fees affordable, and providing generous financial aid and opportunities to work while studying. Even without financial aid, studying at Elton costs less than the average in-state tuition at a public university.

Elton provides significant needs-based financial aid. To see if you qualify, simply answer the four financial aid questions when you apply.
Here are our scholarship levels:
Full Ride Scholarship - 1-5% of students are offered a full-ride scholarship — $50,000 - $100,000.
Presidential Scholarship - 5-10% of students receive a 75% tuition scholarship — $25,000 - $50,000.
Provost Scholarship - 10-20% of students receive a 50% tuition scholarship — $12,000 - $25,000.
Dean Scholarship - 40-50% of students recieve a 25% tuition scholarship — $5,000-$10,000.

Enroll today, risk free, to see what scholarship level you qualify for.
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How Elton is More Accessible and Affordable

Whereas other colleges represent a huge risk to you both in terms of time and money, we have deliberately designed Elton to be something we hope anyone can access and afford.
Risk-Free Trial Month
We want to give you zero risk to try Elton. When you enroll at Elton, you pay your first month's tuition as a deposit. If after a month you or Elto decides you are not a fit for the program, you will receive a full refund. This makes it possible for you to start learning and earing credit right away without taking any financial risk.
Start Any Time
Traditional colleges only let you start in September or January. At Elton you can start immediately upon enrolling. Then, each quarter we have a Commensement event where everyone who started during the previous three months officially form a "cohort" or class of students together — but by then they've already begun learning and succeeding.
Live Anywhere in the World
Elton allows its students to live and travel anywhere in the US or the world. This enables students to live where there is a low cost of living or travel abroad all while earning a globally-recognized bachelor's degree. You can even earn credit planning and executing a trip abroad.
Activity Fund
Traditional colleges nickle and dime you with additional fees. Elton is the opposite. Not only does Elton charge you no additional fees, Elton provides each student with a small fund each month that Elton will pay for books and materials that you need to succeed. Need a book? Need tuition for an external class? Need some art supplies? Your activity fund can cover it.
Generous Financial Aid & Transfer Credit
Elton provides need-based financial aid to over 80% of students. And, whereas traditional colleges try to give you as few transfer credits as possible so they can charge you to earn those credits again with them, Elton does exactly the opposite. Elton has a strict, but generous, standard for trasnfer credits that will accelerate you towards your degree and towards a successful outcome.
Stacking Credentials
If you leave a traditional college after a few years what do you get? Nothing but debt. At Elton you earn credentials that stack towards your final degree. That means if you first earn a certificate, then a diploma, then a higher diploma, and finally your bachelor's degree. If you leave, you take the highest credential you've earned so far.Schedule an Info Session
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Let's Break It Down

What does it mean to be enrolled in Elton University? Here are the major benefits of learning in Elton.

🙌 Joining Elton's Unique Learning Community
👨🏻🏫🧑🏼🏫 1-1 Learning with Expert Professors
👏 1-1 Professional Coaching
👀 Career Discovery Support
💪 Internship and Interview Preparation
💼 An industry-read portfolio of proven skills
📢 Workshops and Lectures each Week
🏭 Access to a Local Coworking Space
👩💼👨💼 Industry Professional Mentoring
🔬📚 Equipment, Supplies, Books, and Online Courses
🛠 Resume and Cover Letter Development and Review
👯 Access to Alumni Network and Events
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Your Financial Aid Package

Elton students all receive a financial aid package. Elton University's financial aid is both need- and merit-based. Elton students receive their financial aid offer along with their admission to the program so they have all the information they need to make the decision to attend. Some parts of financial aid include:
  • Scholarships & Grants
  • Income Share Agreements
  • Pre-Approved Personal Loans
  • Work Opportunities
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The No-Fee Gaurantee

Other colleges nickle and dime you with service fees, health fees, etc. We don't charge any fees, ever. Everything is included in your tuition. In fact we provide you with a bunch of extra stuff like renter's insurance and free books, equipment, and online courses.
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Make Money and Even Earn Credit at Work

The Elton University program is built to enable you to work while you transform and develop yourself. At Elton it is normal to be working part-time while you study. Your coaches and professors will be able to work around your work schedule and help you set learning and project goals that integrate with your work. One of your most important projects you complete at Elton might even be "Start my career."
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A Free Consultation

If you have gotten this far, you are very special! You are very interested in this new and unique program. If you haven't already, request a Free Higher Education Consultation with a Elton Coach. Elton College coaches can help you see if Elton is a fit for you and lay out some other options you might not have thought of to achieve your goals.
Speak with a Elton Coach