Join Our Kick-Off Campaign Drive
🏥 100% Non-Profit — Elton University is 100% non-profit and recognized by the IRS as a 501(c)3 tax-exempt organization. Elton has no relationship with any for-profit fundraisers, consultants, or managing corporation. Every dollar you donate will be used to build this new kind of college.
🧑🎓 Student Centered — Elton University is a student-centered college. That means that we prioritize the success of our students and alumni over everything else. When you donate to Elton, ever dollar is prioritized to make all our students successful.
💥 High Impact — Each dollar you donate to Elton has an impact on all of education across the nation. As a leading new college, Elton will be a guide for other new colleges and an example to legacy institutions.
🚛🏎️ Big or Small is OK — It is ok to give a small donation! If we have lots of small-dollar donors we can go to bigger donors and show that we have a lot of support. So please give anything you can. A yearly recurring donation of $5 is actually super-dooper helpful!